Monday, June 20, 2011

A Million Years of Fairy Tales

The Quran is tedious plagiarism of the New Testament and The Holy Scriptures with a little hate peppered in to show some disregard for the people of these religions. The New Testament is mostly plagiarism of The Holy Scriptures with distain for Jews while justifying the new supposed truths on the supposed truths of the Holy Scriptures. The Holy Scriptures, especially the Torah, plagiarises the Egyptian Book of The Dead while bowling the Egyptians over with hate propaganda. And the Book of the Dead story was borrowed from stories before it and the stories are all founded on astrology. And astrology is a lot of guess work and story telling.

There is little that we enjoy more than a story. We have been telling stories and hearing stories since we have had language. One thing that was true about almost every story ever told is that it was a fairy tale. Sometimes we talked about the adventure we had being chased by or chasing down a wild animal. If it was a retold story it was certainly embellished out of recognition after a few tellings.

For many thousands of years we told stories about the gods that were controlling the elements. There was a god for any event we did not understand as a cause and effect occurrence. So almost everything. And for so many generations we depended on fire. Fire is the foundation of our modern stone age religions. Fire and blood. Read the Torah to see how fire was the centre of everything. Fire still is very important to us.

Suddenly, after millions of years of trial and error, belief and culture, we had a new way of thinking. Since about 500 years, a wink in our existence, we look at things scientifically. We now had a printing press and it started to be more common to read. Instead of accepting a belief about an event, we examine the event. This has thrown a wrench into the great machine of madness. The crazy ape has rejected the warning of the lords and embraced knowledge.

So here we are at the end of an age, the stone age, and the front garden of the new age, the space age. Belief is clearly madness and the mad are reluctant to accept the obvious for the fear that they will be left in a cold dark universe. Unfortunately, the heavens are so. On the other fin, we do have a paradise here on Earth if we choose to cooperate rather than fight over material wealth and ideologies. And as crazy as the fairy tales are, like all fairy tales, there are little truths embedded in the story. The truth is, God, or let us say life, the nature of the physics of the universe, is in us. We are the creators. We make our theatre and all the things in it. We are soon to take hold of our own evolution, 'What if they should also take from the tree of life.' and become the gods. And as much as a million years in the future is inevitable, it is inevitable that we are the gods.

Steve Howard Writes

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