Friday, July 8, 2011

Evidence for Aliens

Now that monotheism is getting its deserved  good beating, aliens are becoming hip. Will they be the new religion of the humans that thrive on believing things they don't understand. Quite likely. We just need NASA to stage a few events and the masses will be sold. And they will give us 'bad aliens' so we will be willing slaves to the American Empire. But let us not get bogged down with paranoia.

Let's first look at the belief epidemic or our history. Since we have been sitting around fires, we have been telling stories about our adventures. Anyone who knows about story telling will know that a story retold more than once is often exponentially inflated with details that simply go beyond the real. We are creative and love to create grand stories about the things we do. Add to that our easy amazement at any kind of thing we do and it doesn't take long before belief in grand fantasy becomes the norm. The stars, look at them all. They must mean something. We die. That must mean something.

There was a god for everything at the start of our believing. And this wasn't such a terrible situation. We didn't know so we speculated a personification for everything that happened to us. It is however, a madness juxtaposed to knowing ones environment so as to have a better chance to survive in it.

But not half as mad as the notion that now there is but one god and he is a real asshole, especially to people that are not from your tribe.

"But God ain't an asshole."

"Of course not, for he is not."

What evidence do we have for these many variations, all proclaiming to be the absolute truth. Absolutely nothing. There is a story in a book. A story repeated in a few books. And no one reads the book they have been given to believe to see that their god is an asshole tyrant murdering prick. A personification of totalitarian dictator states. The justification for the holiness of the elite. The snakes of hell have made themselves a grand illusion for the slave fools that go along with the insanity rather than be tortured and watch their children be raped by drunken soldiers.

One could say that on the far side of the moon is the one true god's castle. It is guarded by ducks. None of his slaves, okay, let's say servants, need air and are immune to radiation and extreme temperatures. Are there anything besides all these ducks, well of course, there are bunnies and flying fish and dancing dinosaurs and eternal twelve year old children for god to rape 666 times each moon day. I know that this is true, an angel of god told me exactly what to write, fuck, and if you don't believe me you will be stoned to death. And brought back to life and torture. Then burnt to death and brought back to life and tortured.

"That's not true."

"Yes it is. It has been written and that proves it."

But what of the fucking aliens. Now that is a little more difficult because we know for certain, from just a little probability calculations, that there are alien life forms out there beyond our little piece of poisoned paradise. Microscopic life forms for certain. There are billions of billions of planets and some of them will have some life. That life will have the same building blocks as this planet for the elements of the universe basically follow the laws of physics.

Have they been here. Not bloody likely. For had they been here, they likely would still be here and there would be some evidence of them. And there is no evidence that any intelligent life forms have visited this planet.

There is an ever growing space between galaxies, with the exception of Andromeda, or course. Most life forms will simply be far too far away to matter if they are there or not. If there was a space age life form in the Milky Way, it would not be a secret, it would be a galactic event of a grand magnitude that would leave very easy to view in radio spectrum evidence. It will not be a secret when the galaxy is settled by intelligent life forms.

Films made by bored farmers about abduction is not evidence. Panic mad illiterates that promise on the Bible that they have talked to them, ancient buildings that seem too perfect, old text that suggests they raped our children, crop circles that seem too pretty and there are so many other things that all add up to naught.

"But I don't know how it was done, so it must have been aliens." is the same as: "But I don't know how it was done, so it must have been God."

This might be a little step in our thinking. We have gone from the impossible to the highly improbable. However, we could spend just a little more time on the probable and the obvious and leave this bloody nonsense for when we have worked out how to get on with one another without murdering women and children for no real good reason at all. We could find a way to put an end to tyranny of the elite.

We should be working on the end of war and the beginning of a space elevator so that we can go look for alien life forms. And when we don't find any beyond tiny fish like creatures in a cesspool of slime on an otherwise barren planet, don't fucking forget I told you so.

And create your own life.

Steve Howard Writes

From The New Bloody Torah by Steve Howard Exodus chapter 10

exodus chapter 10

Now a little more mockery.

Vs. 2: … how I made a mockery of the Egyptians. EQ.

The plan was to fuck Egypt up for generations to come. The Israelites were done being fuckin’ slaves. They would kill until they had their own land.

Which eventually became the truth.

Even now, thousands of years later, they love their killing.

Nothing written is the truth.

Madmen subjectivity.

The story goes. Moses warned Pharaoh that the next attack was with countless locusts.
The Pharaoh is getting board with all the terror and consents to let all the Hebrew men go off in the desert.

“No. Everyone and everything.”

Vs. 9: Moses replied, “We will all go, young and old: we will go with our sons and daughters, our flocks and herds; for we must observe the Lord’s festival. EQ.

Pharaoh knew, like any six year old would, the buggers didn’t intend to go out for a few days then wander back to slavery.

So down come the locusts.

Vs. 14: Locusts invaded all the land of Egypt and settled within all the territory of Egypt in a thick mass, EQ.

Vs. 16: so that nothing green was left, of tree or grass of the field, in all the land of Egypt. EQ.

Again, the Pharaoh tells Moses and Aaron he was wrong, they were right. Please make the locusts go away. They said fine, but if you don’t let us go, next comes three days of night.

Vs. 21: … a darkness that can be touched. EQ.

Vs. 23: People could not see one another, and for three days no one could get up from where he was; but all the Israelites enjoyed light in their dwellings. EQ.

So how does that work. Was a big black blanket dropped on Egypt and only the Israelites had candles. The Egyptians had missed out on the discovery of fire. Has anyone ever stopped to question how absurd this fuckin’ horror story is. Anyone. Fuck.

Pharaoh then agrees to let the Israelites go but not the flocks. And that ain’t good enough for Moses and Aaron.

Vs. 26: - not a hoof shall remain behind: for we must select from it for the worship of the Lord our God; and we will not know with what we are to worship the Lord until we arrive there. EQ.

Again, the Pharaoh tells Moses to go fuck himself. Next time he saw Moses, he would die.
Moses gave him the finger and pranced out.

Steve Howard Writes

From The New Bloody Torah by Steve Howard Genesis chapter 03

genesis chapter 03
For you boneheads who think the universe was really whipped up in six days, it was not. And the serpent was a symbol in older religions. For wisdom and rebirth. Just to let you know.
Vs. 4: “You are not going to die.” EQ.
Many think this makes the serpent a teller of a lie. It don’t. Vs. 5: and you will be like divine beings who know good and bad.” Vs. 6 … the tree was desirable as a source of wisdom. EQ.
Well, hang on. Did you catch that.
The source of wisdom. Come readers. Please pay homage to this grand event. Give the serpent some credit. God the one forgetful reckless tyrannical dictator don’t want us, the creatures he made in his image, to have wisdom. Keep us stupid.
Well fuck that.
Vs. 11: Who told you that you were naked? EQ.
The bloody fashion salesmen, that’s who. The lying murdering merchants, that’s who.
Vs. 13: “The serpent duped me, and I ate.” EQ.  Thank fuck. And God can go to hell. Cursing the serpent for wisdom. Cursing the woman for wanting it.
Vs. 22: what if he should stretch out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever!” EQ.
Read the last verse twice more. And know that this was a fear of the gods a few thousand years ago. That we become the gods. At the time of writing it was science fiction. It is within our reach now.
Vs. 23: So the Lord God banished him from the garden of Eden. EQ.
God is a selfish megalomaniac that does not want to share his power with the other gods and does not want the mortals to see what they could have. And he doesn’t have a bloody clue what he’s doing. Days after thinking he was so good and already he’s cursing and punishing the man and woman he made in his-their own image.
Steve Howard Writes

New Bloody Torah

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Brief History of America

Otherwise known as The European War Dogs or AEE, Another Evil Empire.

Let us start by examining the concept: Empire. An Empire is a small group of ruling mad men and their whores that execute tyrannical dictatorship over the ignorant and beaten slaves, often referred to as: citizens, populous, masses, people, folk and a few other catchy euphemisms. The objective of an Empire is to rape, murder, plunder and hoard wealth. This definition, though limited in detail, holds true for every Empire written or not written in our history.

History is almost always written by the obedient slaves or whores of the ruling elite. By whores, it is meant to encompass the various positions a privileged slave can hold. Priests and lawyers are most celebrated. Military marshals of various titles. Kings fools under various names: can include those responsible for propagation of the greatness of the ruling class through song or written word or any other form of art. Fairy tales are most efficient for indoctrinating the children with the bald face lie so that they will never be exposed to the naked truth.

So this being known, we can quickly take a short trip to only a few hundred years ago when the story goes, though it is somewhat misleading, for the millions who lived there were evidence that this was a bald face lie to be propagated even in public schools around the nations, Christopher Columpyass banged up against an island we now refer to as Dominican Republic. Also a lie. And declared that he had discovered, wait, a new world, no. Actually, he thought he had discovered a route to China. Or, he guessed India. And so called the people there: Indians.

He was not so important. History likes to focus on pointless detail. What is more important is that in Europe the people were mostly living in poverty under tyrannical mad men. Lizards or hell posing as humans. But to avoid the details of Europe, for that is far too much for a short explanation, we'll simple say, it was really shitty for many in Europe, so they packed in ships and many of them didn't die on their trip over the Atlantic and settled on the east coast of this new land that had been inhabited for at least 12,000 years.

The natives not only tolerated this invasion, they actually helped the unhealthy ignorant Europeans to survive in the new land.

They kept coming. They came with guns and horses, variations on a monotheistic religion and many mad laws. It wasn't long before the natives were classified as savages. The story goes: they didn't live like the disease infested European paranoid puritan religious murdering maniacs, so they must be converted to the invaders insane dictatorship religions and laws or die.

Murdering was most profitable. Murder is one of the quickest ways to wealth. So a few weapons of mass destruction were added to rid the land quickly of its inhabitants. Guns where good, of course, laws and religions, but one of the best weapons was disease. The Europeans had been bathing in a cesspool of filth for hundreds of year and could carry most anything and not die. They had been through enough plagues. They could have a cold six times a year and they hardly noticed.

The natives, however, were savages. Savages are like animals and do crazy things like wash in the rivers and lakes. Eat fresh food. Live in the oxygen filled fresh air. Forget to write down a million laws and forget to make monotheistic women and children hating religions.

So the ones who where not murdered and scalped for a 10 thousand dollar, in today's money, reward, were infected with what we commonly call the common cold. For the natives, it was not known, thus most of them that caught this virus died.

So, most of the natives are gone. Land is being claimed in a mad rush. The trees are being hacked down, roads and rail roads are being built and there is just too much work to do so the new land owner class start buying slaves from Africa from Africans.

Bloody hell. Where are we now. Invasion, genocide, and slavery. All standard procedure. Then comes industry and the grand warring machine. This is a little newer. A new efficiency in moving troops and weapons. And ever better weapons to murder those in the lands to be invaded. The mad war dogs had been riding around on horse with their six shooters and repeating winchesters long enough. Now it was time to make the States into a United War Federation Empire and take over the world.

And that pretty much brings us up to date. Invade, rape, murder, plunder. One country after the next. War games financed by the big banking whores of hell. Revenge on Europe, knowns as the World Wars. The endless war with Russia. The take over of the oil fields.

And to tell the truth, it is a bloody pathetic theatre that is being played out while the slaves wallow in their ignorance.

And the American Empire will go down in flames like empires often do. Or simply fade away. Another empire to be written about and turned into a new religion to eventually become the great old myth of the first empire to embrace the known world after it was known that it was a planet and not a flat disk in the middle of the universe made by an asshole dictator that went by the name of God or Allah or Rah or Jehovah or all the other names the silly notion gets.

That's the end of the story. And the empire.

There is a choice. We can wait and watch how it ends. Or we can take it down piece by piece and build a saner, sustainable civilisation built on evolution given common sense and accumulated knowledge.

Steve Howard Writes

Monday, June 27, 2011

Marketing Terrorism

We are not going to write of the American Military instigating attacks on their own land to inspire the justification of terror in Iraq and Afghanistan to inspired hatred from east to west to inspire war to make so much money they could finance a city on the moon if they weren't war pigs. We won't write about Israel calling their enemy terrorists so that they can slaughter them in their big cage. We'll save that for The History of Never Ever Free America.

We are going to write a little note about marketing terror in regard to the big cloud of shit that clogs up our minds. Most would say we are free to ignore this brain drain assault but that is a lie. Marketing is everywhere you look. Even if you are smart enough to not have a television or radio, you will still be bombarded, terrorised by maniac marketing. Everything has a logo. Every move you make in the internet is recorded for marketing. You will have useless trash screaming in your face if you have a web mail or use one or more of the public forums such as youtube, facebook, twitter, google and all the others.

You can not walk out the door in any city without being told what to think. Church bells remind you that you are to be a monotheistic moron without questioning the product. Unless you live in a land where there are no churches. Then you likely have Allah chants marketing a madness that no one bothers to understand.

Every newspaper and magazine is funded by marketing of mostly things that no one needs. Every product you buy has a name on it. Every bag you pack it in has a name on it. Big Burger King, Mac Donald's, Wendy's, Harvey's, Walmart, K-Mart, Drug mart, Speedy Muffler, Ford, Mercedes', some bloody kind of plastic made by slaves shoes, make it better, faster, bigger, more compact, GPS, call waiting, online dating and it never stops and the real world, fuck, we don't even remember that there is one. Some marketing bullies come along and sell healthy tobacco and free trade coffee and suddenly people think they are doing something for the world. The environment.

We are producing so much junk and trash and poisons like we will never have enough of things that a few years ago didn't even exist. We need to slam on the brakes and rethink what we are doing with our 4 billion years of evolution.

One of the first things that has to be stopped is the terrorising of children by greedy, sick, evil marketers. Children don't know how to go out and play anymore. They want to be safe at home with machine toys to suck out their brains and make them hopeless slaves to the big consumer machine of madness. Obey. Work at what we tell you. We will sell you what to play.

There have been hundreds of new laws to protect all the merchants and the super rich overlords of hell. There needs to be a new law to protect the minds of children.

This is the new law: No Marketing for Children.

To make it clear: Absolutely no Marketing directed at Children. No television commercials for children. No kiddy gags at fast food emporiums. No more in your face plastic trash marketing. And no Children in Church of Synagogue or Mosche. It is pornographic terrorism and not suited for children.

"That should get through in a hundred or 6 years."

"We need to stop the proliferation of lies. And marketing is all about lies. Religion is all about lies. Our species needs to wake up and it can not be in a dream, nightmare, and awaken both."

Tear down a product sign and plant a tree.

Steve Howard Writes

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Slaves and Masters

Our mommies and our daddies read us the stories and we are entranced by the illusion of being a prince or a princess, a knight or a damsel. All the names for the theatre we are to play have been preordained by the holy overlords. We are taught in our places of worship to obey the Lord, the word of God. Our minds are turned to mush by the constant lies of television, magazines, radio, road side billboards, brand name T-shirts and the torture goes on.

If we are good, we learn what they teach us and don't stand in the way. We strive to become like they tell us to be. Go to work they tell us, to get what they tell us we want.

But now it is time to do the math. The kings and queens, the official overlords, they tell us, ordained by God. Blue blood. How do they sustain their islands of luxury. First they have perpetuated a lie that they are deserving of their title. They fail to remember that a king was a king because he had the power to kill anyone who questioned his authority. And that was the case for every king or lord or however the title. This position is protected by the knights, or today we say military. And the military is given special rights above the rest of the subjects. They are payed well. Often with power. The freedom to plunder. The freedom to rape. The freedom to arrest and torture subjects that question the ways of the king. And this was always true and is still true.

So how is this system supported. It is support by the majority. The 99.9% of the beasts. The human subjects are free to have their fairy tales of princes and princesses but they are condemned to serve and fear the authority. The material wealth of the next village, the next land, is robbed and the king sits on the most of it. The subjects are free to have a king rule over them. They are free to have all of their efforts over taxed. They are free to fight when it is required to gain more material wealth from other king's subjects who don't wish to give it up.

It is a worn out tragic theatre that can go on no longer. The fairy tales are mind manipulating propaganda. The lying media is truly enslaving us and making us mute slaves to the overlords. The priests and lawyers. The military and police.

Stop believing and use your evolution given brain to see what is real. We have been warring subjects of evil scum we have given the highest regard to. The kings and queens are skinless snakes of hell. We have been duped by a grand illusion. A smoke and mirror trick so we see everything exactly backwards to how it is.

Steve Howard Writes