Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Fu King Story

Once upon a time in almost any land you go lived a megalomaniac that liked to be called by an elevated name. This name, in various languages, translates most nearly to Fu King. Meaning quite similar to Lord God Almighty.

Now these mad men were most known for their talent at raping young girls. It was a talent they all shared. It was not their only talent. They were all good at war and plunder and that sort of thing. They were good at making the masses into slaves. But the thing they most liked was raping little girls.

So raping little girls became a very important part of culture. It was made into law by the great Fu Kings.

"Thou shalt not be given unto a man before Thou has been raped for three months by me, your Fu King."

Some would speculate that this was an abuse of assumed power won by lying, cheating and murdering. Sure it was, is. But the thing that was most notable was that the Fu King had the first child. In many cultures other cultures where rumoured to sacrifice the first child. Pass the child through fire and such. Very likely not very likely. Just a nasty rumour to make genocide an acceptable pass time for wandering armies. What was how it was is that the first child was that of the Fu King.

Now it is true that this is not much of a story. The point of the story is that this is what our culture of what we now for short call 'Kings' is all about. We teach our children that Kings are royal and royal is good and something with which to be impressed.

So we are propagating rape as not only a good thing, but a holy thing.

If you think this is not the case, you need to do just a little more learning.

Steve Howard Writes

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