Otherwise known as The European War Dogs or AEE, Another Evil Empire.
Let us start by examining the concept: Empire. An Empire is a small group of ruling mad men and their whores that execute tyrannical dictatorship over the ignorant and beaten slaves, often referred to as: citizens, populous, masses, people, folk and a few other catchy euphemisms. The objective of an Empire is to rape, murder, plunder and hoard wealth. This definition, though limited in detail, holds true for every Empire written or not written in our history.
History is almost always written by the obedient slaves or whores of the ruling elite. By whores, it is meant to encompass the various positions a privileged slave can hold. Priests and lawyers are most celebrated. Military marshals of various titles. Kings fools under various names: can include those responsible for propagation of the greatness of the ruling class through song or written word or any other form of art. Fairy tales are most efficient for indoctrinating the children with the bald face lie so that they will never be exposed to the naked truth.
So this being known, we can quickly take a short trip to only a few hundred years ago when the story goes, though it is somewhat misleading, for the millions who lived there were evidence that this was a bald face lie to be propagated even in public schools around the nations, Christopher Columpyass banged up against an island we now refer to as Dominican Republic. Also a lie. And declared that he had discovered, wait, a new world, no. Actually, he thought he had discovered a route to China. Or, he guessed India. And so called the people there: Indians.
He was not so important. History likes to focus on pointless detail. What is more important is that in Europe the people were mostly living in poverty under tyrannical mad men. Lizards or hell posing as humans. But to avoid the details of Europe, for that is far too much for a short explanation, we'll simple say, it was really shitty for many in Europe, so they packed in ships and many of them didn't die on their trip over the Atlantic and settled on the east coast of this new land that had been inhabited for at least 12,000 years.
The natives not only tolerated this invasion, they actually helped the unhealthy ignorant Europeans to survive in the new land.
They kept coming. They came with guns and horses, variations on a monotheistic religion and many mad laws. It wasn't long before the natives were classified as savages. The story goes: they didn't live like the disease infested European paranoid puritan religious murdering maniacs, so they must be converted to the invaders insane dictatorship religions and laws or die.
Murdering was most profitable. Murder is one of the quickest ways to wealth. So a few weapons of mass destruction were added to rid the land quickly of its inhabitants. Guns where good, of course, laws and religions, but one of the best weapons was disease. The Europeans had been bathing in a cesspool of filth for hundreds of year and could carry most anything and not die. They had been through enough plagues. They could have a cold six times a year and they hardly noticed.
The natives, however, were savages. Savages are like animals and do crazy things like wash in the rivers and lakes. Eat fresh food. Live in the oxygen filled fresh air. Forget to write down a million laws and forget to make monotheistic women and children hating religions.
So the ones who where not murdered and scalped for a 10 thousand dollar, in today's money, reward, were infected with what we commonly call the common cold. For the natives, it was not known, thus most of them that caught this virus died.
So, most of the natives are gone. Land is being claimed in a mad rush. The trees are being hacked down, roads and rail roads are being built and there is just too much work to do so the new land owner class start buying slaves from Africa from Africans.
Bloody hell. Where are we now. Invasion, genocide, and slavery. All standard procedure. Then comes industry and the grand warring machine. This is a little newer. A new efficiency in moving troops and weapons. And ever better weapons to murder those in the lands to be invaded. The mad war dogs had been riding around on horse with their six shooters and repeating winchesters long enough. Now it was time to make the States into a United War Federation Empire and take over the world.
And that pretty much brings us up to date. Invade, rape, murder, plunder. One country after the next. War games financed by the big banking whores of hell. Revenge on Europe, knowns as the World Wars. The endless war with Russia. The take over of the oil fields.
And to tell the truth, it is a bloody pathetic theatre that is being played out while the slaves wallow in their ignorance.
And the American Empire will go down in flames like empires often do. Or simply fade away. Another empire to be written about and turned into a new religion to eventually become the great old myth of the first empire to embrace the known world after it was known that it was a planet and not a flat disk in the middle of the universe made by an asshole dictator that went by the name of God or Allah or Rah or Jehovah or all the other names the silly notion gets.
That's the end of the story. And the empire.
There is a choice. We can wait and watch how it ends. Or we can take it down piece by piece and build a saner, sustainable civilisation built on evolution given common sense and accumulated knowledge.
Steve Howard Writes
Let us start by examining the concept: Empire. An Empire is a small group of ruling mad men and their whores that execute tyrannical dictatorship over the ignorant and beaten slaves, often referred to as: citizens, populous, masses, people, folk and a few other catchy euphemisms. The objective of an Empire is to rape, murder, plunder and hoard wealth. This definition, though limited in detail, holds true for every Empire written or not written in our history.
History is almost always written by the obedient slaves or whores of the ruling elite. By whores, it is meant to encompass the various positions a privileged slave can hold. Priests and lawyers are most celebrated. Military marshals of various titles. Kings fools under various names: can include those responsible for propagation of the greatness of the ruling class through song or written word or any other form of art. Fairy tales are most efficient for indoctrinating the children with the bald face lie so that they will never be exposed to the naked truth.
So this being known, we can quickly take a short trip to only a few hundred years ago when the story goes, though it is somewhat misleading, for the millions who lived there were evidence that this was a bald face lie to be propagated even in public schools around the nations, Christopher Columpyass banged up against an island we now refer to as Dominican Republic. Also a lie. And declared that he had discovered, wait, a new world, no. Actually, he thought he had discovered a route to China. Or, he guessed India. And so called the people there: Indians.
He was not so important. History likes to focus on pointless detail. What is more important is that in Europe the people were mostly living in poverty under tyrannical mad men. Lizards or hell posing as humans. But to avoid the details of Europe, for that is far too much for a short explanation, we'll simple say, it was really shitty for many in Europe, so they packed in ships and many of them didn't die on their trip over the Atlantic and settled on the east coast of this new land that had been inhabited for at least 12,000 years.
The natives not only tolerated this invasion, they actually helped the unhealthy ignorant Europeans to survive in the new land.
They kept coming. They came with guns and horses, variations on a monotheistic religion and many mad laws. It wasn't long before the natives were classified as savages. The story goes: they didn't live like the disease infested European paranoid puritan religious murdering maniacs, so they must be converted to the invaders insane dictatorship religions and laws or die.
Murdering was most profitable. Murder is one of the quickest ways to wealth. So a few weapons of mass destruction were added to rid the land quickly of its inhabitants. Guns where good, of course, laws and religions, but one of the best weapons was disease. The Europeans had been bathing in a cesspool of filth for hundreds of year and could carry most anything and not die. They had been through enough plagues. They could have a cold six times a year and they hardly noticed.
The natives, however, were savages. Savages are like animals and do crazy things like wash in the rivers and lakes. Eat fresh food. Live in the oxygen filled fresh air. Forget to write down a million laws and forget to make monotheistic women and children hating religions.
So the ones who where not murdered and scalped for a 10 thousand dollar, in today's money, reward, were infected with what we commonly call the common cold. For the natives, it was not known, thus most of them that caught this virus died.
So, most of the natives are gone. Land is being claimed in a mad rush. The trees are being hacked down, roads and rail roads are being built and there is just too much work to do so the new land owner class start buying slaves from Africa from Africans.
Bloody hell. Where are we now. Invasion, genocide, and slavery. All standard procedure. Then comes industry and the grand warring machine. This is a little newer. A new efficiency in moving troops and weapons. And ever better weapons to murder those in the lands to be invaded. The mad war dogs had been riding around on horse with their six shooters and repeating winchesters long enough. Now it was time to make the States into a United War Federation Empire and take over the world.
And that pretty much brings us up to date. Invade, rape, murder, plunder. One country after the next. War games financed by the big banking whores of hell. Revenge on Europe, knowns as the World Wars. The endless war with Russia. The take over of the oil fields.
And to tell the truth, it is a bloody pathetic theatre that is being played out while the slaves wallow in their ignorance.
And the American Empire will go down in flames like empires often do. Or simply fade away. Another empire to be written about and turned into a new religion to eventually become the great old myth of the first empire to embrace the known world after it was known that it was a planet and not a flat disk in the middle of the universe made by an asshole dictator that went by the name of God or Allah or Rah or Jehovah or all the other names the silly notion gets.
That's the end of the story. And the empire.
There is a choice. We can wait and watch how it ends. Or we can take it down piece by piece and build a saner, sustainable civilisation built on evolution given common sense and accumulated knowledge.
Steve Howard Writes